
Future Begins Now


Why should you seek to work with chy.stat?

chy.stat makes online statistics smart and fast. Wherever it is needed to analyse measured data in the production, chy.stat can do it, and after a few intuitive clicks, the results are clearly and easily visualized.
There is no need for complicated processing of off-line data anymore,
"Buy only what you need" – chy.stat is structured in modules. Thus only those indicators of quality and/or productivity can be installed that are being used in the company. Single modules can be added at any time later on.



    Pareto analysis of the expenses caused by scrap helps you to identify the actual source of financial losses. A simple analysis of the produced scrap quantity is not able to do that.

    Scrap QQC – shows you a real systematic increase in scrap production and with that you can avoid pointless expenses caused by false alarms.

    Relation between the production process malfunctions and the product defects – linking product flaws to technological defects leads to a continuous optimisation of production technologies, which naturally generates a clearly visible financial benefit.


    Every day an updated overview – thanks to an automatic analysis in the background.

    From cumulative graphs to a detailed analysis interactively – modern technologies and partial results calculated "on the flight" will make you reach the core of the problem quickly and easily.

    Reliable results – thanks to a well-grounded and automated statistic interpretation (Q-DAS Inside) under the supervision of Carl Friedrich.


    Keep ‘order’ in your production with our Ordo module – as they say in Latin.

    At the same time, make ‘orders’ that help you in managing your production.

    Ordo can organize the measuring laboratory, release production, assess orders and creates a communication platform over the process data results.

iqs stands for innovative ideas and future-oriented technologies in quality assurance and quality management.

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