



Software for protocols

Easy to use platform to manage the protocols flow

  • Protocols are automatically taken from the measurement systems and uploaded in a specific database;
  • Operator working in production on the selected tool machine can immediately see the results of the measured parts;
  • In case the part is OK Operator can see the protocol and send in the central DB;
  • In case at least one characteristic in out of tolerance the machine operator “send” the protocol to the Shift Manager who can stop and reject the part or send to the Control Quality for the final decision;
  • Control Quality has the responsibility to accept, to reject or to put in quarantine the part;

At the end of the approval procedure data are sent to the central DB with the part status, remarks and pdf protocol.

Management Phases

Phase 1

The operator measure the part and the software machine create an output file (DFQ or others) which contains the information regarding the measured part. That file is checked by a software Normalizer that analyze and modify the protocol in conformity to the K field structure. FPM takes care of the file and show to the right operator (who has in charge the production machine) checking the results (OK or BAD) and starting the next steps.

Phase 2

FPM platform loads the protocol using the normalized DFQ file, which is saved by i-Upload service in a specific SQL DB, in order to allow the introduction of notes on the characteristics that are out of tolerances, the notification and the distribution to the different levels of people involved in the operating flow. FPM, at the end of scheduled steps, moves in the Q-DAS database the DFQ and the PDF having all remarks on the characteristics outside of tolerances and signature from each operating level. All information for security reasons are saved in the database.

Phase 3

The Machine Operator receives on his computer the protocol measured by the CMM. Based on the part results the new protocol is saved in the green or red balloon. Double clicking on the balloon the operator can select which protocol he likes to see. In case the protocol is OK no additional steps are required. If the part is bad the operator can start to type notes and send to the Shift Header. The Shift Header takes care of the notes from the Operator and he can decide if reject the part or send the protocol to the next level thus the Quality Assurance. The Quality Assurance receives the protocol and, after its checking, decides if can be accepted, rejected or put in quarantine. The Machin Operator can see every time where the protocol is located and who has in charge the request. At the end of the validation steps the part is loaded in the central DB. From single values chart by Q-DAS is possible to see the protocol which belongs to that specific measurement (mouse right click on the measured point).

Industrial Quality Solutions

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